Occupational Rehabilitation

Functional capacity evaluations

A Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) is a series of standardised tests used to assess a worker’s functional capacity to work. They can be used as a source of information for developing return to work programs, assessing the workers capacity to return to specific duties or employment, assessing the workers current physical abilities and limitations, and the worker’s ability to return to work or to develop an alternant employment path. It is particularly useful for assessing an individual’s physical capabilities in relation to a specific task / job analysis, and therefore their suitability for high risk and physically demanding jobs.

Worksite assessments

The Workplace Assessment forms the basis for a safe and successful return to work by assessing the suitability of work duties and to gain a better understanding of the nature of the employee’s work. It assesses the physical, psychosocial, cognitive and communication demands of the job. In the case of an injured employee, a workplace assessment is an onsite analysis of a specific job including pre-injury duties or possible alternative duties.

Ergonomic Workstation Assessments

An Ergonomic Workstation Assessment will evaluate the individual’s workstation and identify any changes that may need to be made in order to minimise the risk of injury and discomfort. This may include advice on workstation set up, equipment options, and educating the worker about the optimal work postures and practices to maximise comfort, productivity and safety.

Suitable Duties Programmes

A suitable duties plan is a written rehabilitation document that details all restrictions that will need to be implemented to ensure a safe return to work after injury or illness. The suitable duties plan gradually increases the work demands in line with injury recovery. Once developed, a formal suitable duties plan will provide all relevant parties with a contract documenting the terms and expectations of an employee’s return to work.

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