NDIS Physiotherapy

The National Disability Insurance Scheme offers support to people with disabilities. NDIS physiotherapy services can help people live independently and have more control over their lives. 

Our Physiotherapists help NDIS patients restore their strength, flexibility, endurance, and coordination. Whether you have a pre-existing disability, a recent injury, or wish to remain active as you age, physiotherapy can help.

Our Physiotherapists assist people with a disability in a variety of ways, including treatment for pain management, home exercise programs for rehabilitation, advice on the management of specific conditions and providing recommendations for equipment and mobility aids.

Our Physiotherapists can provide treatment and advice to support a number of disabilities and chronic conditions, such as:

  • Physical disabilities (amputation, post-surgery) 
  • Acquired brain injuries (ABI’s)
  • Neurological injuries
  • Paediatric developmental delay
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Strokes
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Spinal cord injuries

What Happens in my First Appointment?

During your initial appointment, your physiotherapist will take down your detailed medical history. They will also do a thorough assessment of you and your condition. This appointment is also where you develop your service agreement. 

Once you’ve completed this initial appointment and have signed your service agreement, you can start on your physiotherapy journey.

If you have a plan managed or self-managed NDIS plan, we’d love to help you reach your goals! 

Contact Paul Ryan Physiotherapy to make an appointment with our physiotherapists Ayley Smith  or Meg Dembskey.

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